Montis Loft Climbing Gym – Rules for Users
In signing the Rules for Users of the Montis Loft Climbing Gym, I agree that:
• I have familiarised myself with the rules.
• It has been explained to me, and I have understood, that when climbing in the Climbing Gym, people must
act with observantly, carefully and responsibly when climbing, so as not to endanger themselves and/or
third parties by their actions.
• It has been explained to me, and I have understood, that any of my behaviour when climbing in the
Climbing Gym that is careless, irresponsible, dangerous or otherwise in breach of these rules, may cause
harm to me and/or third parties.
• I have properly evaluated the services provided by the Montis Loft Climbing Gym (including, but not
limited to, the facilities, the actual circumstances and nature of the service provision, etc.), my abilities
and capabilities regarding climbing in the Climbing Gym and my ability (capability) and responsibility to
properly control and manage all related and potential threats and risks without any additional help or
support from employees.
• I undertake to comply with these rules and I accept the risk associated with complying with these rules
and any possible resulting harm. I acknowledge that I know the rules are published on the website, and I have also received them with this agreement, of which they form an integral
• I agree that if I do not comply with the rules, I shall be entirely responsible for the consequences, and that
Montis Loft shall not be responsible for any harm that arises due to non-compliance with the rules or my
careless and/or dangerous behaviour, nor for any compensation.
• I do not have any health or other problems, or behaviour disorders, which could be the cause of negative
consequences to myself or third parties while I am climbing in the gym.
• I have passed the basic safety techniques test and the practical assessment test (not applicable in the case
of individuals who climb while being looked after by a carer who has passed the safety knowledge test in
the established way and who have obtained a permit to climb and to look after people independently).
• I have personally disclosed my personal data to this company. I have been informed that I have the right
to demand to update my personal information at any time, likewise to demand information about how my
personal data is being used; and I have the right to revoke the consent I have given and to demand that my
data be erased.
Montis Loft Climbing Gym – Rules for Users
1.1. Climbing wall (hereinafter: CW) – this installation
is not classified as a potentially dangerous installation,
but as an installation for climbing sport.
1.2. Provider of the CW (hereinafter: Provider) – UAB
Montis Loft (reg. Address: Paberžės g. 5-45, LT-07146
Vilnius, Company code: 126152849, VAT Payer code:
LT261528414, registered data processor VĮ Registrų
centras (Registers Centre), Vilnius branch.
1.3. Organiser – person(s) supervising the CW and
those climbing it.
1.4. Climber – every individual climbing on the CW.
Every individual who has passed the test set by the
Organiser in the usual way and who has obtained a
permit to climb independently or who climbs under the
supervision of a person who has passed a knowledge test
in the usual way and has obtained a permit to climb or
care for a climber independently shall be considered a
High wall climber.
1.5. Carer - every individual who has passed a basic
mountain climbing techniques test and who is
supervising a climber on the CW.
1.6. These rules specify the procedures for provision of
services to Climbers and Carers providing service to
climbers, the compulsory safety and other rules for
climbers, the rights of the Organiser and the Climbers,
their obligations and the limits of their responsibilities.
1.7. These rules are applicable to all Climbers and
Carers. Every Climber is obliged to comply with the
requirements specified in these rules.
1.8. A Climber shall gain the right to climb on the high
CW only after passing a test of knowledge and having
received a permit to climb independently. For those
without a permit, climbing is permitted only under the
Organiser’s supervision, or that of a Carer who has
passed the knowledge test in the normal way and has
received a permit to climb independently.
1.9. Every Climber or Carer who climbs on the CW shall
declare that he is acquainted with the rules for climbing
on the CW and is committed to unconditionally obeying
the rules.
1.10. Permission to climb on the CW:
1.10.1 A written agreement is essential for climbing on
the CW.
1.10.2 In regard to the exceptions provided in these
rules, and likewise with the condition of paragraph 1.7
of these rules, the right to climb on the CW shall be given
to persons of all ages who have confirmed with their
signature that they are acquainted with these rules. If the
Climber is under age, his parents/guardians shall peruse
these rules and sign them, whereby they shall commit to
communicating them to the minor person(s) in their care
and shall also commit to ensuring that the minor(s)
comply with them.
1.10.3 Any Climbers younger than 18 who climb the
CW alone, i.e. without accompanying adult(s) must: Provide the Organiser with the standard
Agreement form, signed by parents or guardians. Unless
explicitly otherwise specified in the Agreement, (parents
or guardians have not indicated a validity period in the
Agreement), this Agreement is one-off and valid for the
whole period of climbing at CW. The consent form may
be found at To comply with the requirements of these
1.10.4 Visitors younger than 14 may only climb if they
are supervised by parents or guardians.
1.10.5 Celebrations: If you wish to organise a birthday or other
celebration at the Climbing Gym, it is necessary to let the
company know the date and other details. When climbing on the CW during birthdays or
other celebrations, these rules must be obeyed.
1.10.6 Climbing on the CW shall not be permitted for: Individuals affected by alcohol, narcotics,
psychotropic or other substances; likewise, individuals
who disturb the peace, causing a threat to their own health
and safety or that of other people. Individuals with health problems that may
endanger their own health, life or property or that of
other people.
1.11 Undertaking to comply with the rules:
1.11.1 Before starting to climb on the CW, Climbers
must confirm a bona fide intention to cooperate and an
undertaking to comply with these rules.
1.11.2 It is forbidden to stand or walk under where others
are climbing.
1.11.3 It is forbidden to climb below or above other
1.11.4 Climbers who observe activity that may lead to
dangerous situations must immediately advise other
visitors and the CW supervisory personnel.
1.11.5 Climbers need to understand that the padding
/mattresses at the base of the CW mitigate the force of
a fall to a certain extent, but they cannot totally protect
a climber from injury in the case of an uncontrolled fall.
1.11.6 Climbers are not allowed to ascend higher than
the top rope fixing point. Furthermore, it is not
permitted to climb on the metal construction elements.
1.11.7 In order to prevent injury, it is advisable to
remove, before starting to climb, rings, earrings or other
things that could get in the way when climbing or could
cause damage to your health.
1.11.8 Climbers take on all responsibility for any harm
they may cause to themselves or others due to their
careless actions.
1.11.9 Climbers or Carers take on all responsibility for
the suitability of the equipment they use.
1.11.10 At times it may be forbidden to use the CW
due to technical problems. In such instances, the cost of
the service shall not be recalculated and no refunds
shall be made to Climbers.
1.11.11 In cases where there is doubt about the age of
a Climber or other circumstances (e.g. whether there is
consent from parent(s) / guardian(s), the organiser shall
have the right to demand to see the Climber’s personal
ID document (passport, student card or similar).
1.12 Other general information:
1.12.1 In order to comply with hygiene requirements,
all Climbers are requested to maintain a neat
1.12.2 Climbers must wear a helmet when climbing
on the high wall (it is recommended to holders of a
permit to climb independently that they wear a helmet,
but it is not obligatory).
1.12.3 Climbers climbing on the high wall and using
a safety rope underneath must attach it to each
attachment point along the climbing path.
1.12.4 Climbers are obliged to immediately get off
the CW if ordered to do so by the Organiser.
1.12.5 Climbers must make sure that their gear, their
footwear and their physical form is adequate for the
2.1 Climbers and Carers are entitled to:
2.1.1. Request that an authorised employee familiarise
them with these rules before they begin climbing on the
2.1.2. Make a claim on the Organiser in accordance
with these rules and current Republic of Lithuania legislation for compensation for harm suffered by a
2.1.3. Use their own safety gear (straps, helmet, rope,
storage devices, carabiners), if it is validly certified;
2.2. Climbers and Carers shall undertake:
2.2.1. When climbing on the CW, to strictly to stay
within the requirements and recommendations set out in
these rules. To act sensibly, observantly and safely, so
that no harm is caused to themselves or third parties.
2.2.2. To carry out the Organiser’s directions concerning safety and other requirements and compliance with
these rules when climbing on the CW.
2.2.3. When climbing on the CW, to take care to protect their own health and property, and that of the individuals for which they are responsible; and, likewise, to
ensure that their physical capabilities and health are adequate for climbing on the CW.
2.2.4. Not to litter or otherwise make dirty the area
around the CW, not to destroy property or not to do anything illegal or to commit any actions that are against
decency and public order.
2.2.5. When climbing, it is forbidden to connect at any
point other than the intermediate safety points.
2.2.6. When climbing, it is forbidden to connect at any
point other than the intermediate safety points.
2.2.7. A Climber using safety measures below must
connect the rope to the safety station at the end of the
climbing path.
2.2.8. A Climber using safety measures above must use
only ropes fixed in place by the Organisers.
2.2.9. Climbing using safety measures below is allowed
only if your own ropes are used (the Organisers shall
not be responsible for the quality of personal gear).
2.2.10. All safety regulations must be obeyed when
supervising someone.
2.2.11. Only legal safety techniques may be used when
supervising someone.
2.2.12. Be attentive when supervising someone, watch
the Climber at all times and gather in the rope
2.2.13. Do not stand under a Climber when supervising
them, and make sure that no one else does.
2.2.14. It is not allowed to use the assistance of third
parties when supervising someone.
2.2.15. It is not allowed to drag a person up when
supervising them.
2.2.16. When supervising someone, the supervisor is
responsible for the safety of the Climber, so the
supervisor must control the safety process by giving
commands that are important for the safety process
(climb, stop, etc.).
3.1 The Organiser shall have the right:
3.1.1 To prevent persons from climbing the CW if their
behaviour may disrupt general order and endanger the
safety of other climbers and if it is contrary to accepted
standards of behaviour in society, as well as persons who
are intoxicated from alcohol, narcotics, psychotropic
drugs or other psychoactive substances.
3.1.2 To not allow any person to climb the CW if they
do not agree with these rules or do not understand them.
Also, to remove persons who do not comply with these
3.1.3 To change the CW climbing charges at any time
without prior notice.
3.1.4 To oblige anyone who violates the rules or behaves unsafely to get off the CW. In this case, no money
is returned to the climbers.
3.2 The Organiser shall undertake:
3.2.1 To provide CW climbing services to climbers in
accordance with the requirements of Republic of Lithuania legislation and the provisions of these regulations.
3.2.1 To provide climbers with all the information they
request that is held by the Organiser concerning climbing
the CW and the regulations.
3.2.2 To provide CW supervision. To stand no further
than 2 metres from the CW when supervising.
4.1 People planning to climb the CW should make sure
that their state of health, and that of the people they are
responsible for, is suitable for climbing the CW.
4.2 We repeat that it is strongly not recommended for
climbers on the CW to have on them items (jewellery,
chains, rings, watches, mobile telephones, etc.), that could
get broken or lost.
5.1 Any climber who damages the property of the
Organiser or other climbers, or harms their health, shall
be liable under procedures established by Republic of
Lithuania legislation. Parents or guardians shall be liable
for harm done by minors and people with disabilities.
5.2 It shall be the responsibility of the parents or
guardians of minors, or other adults supervising the
minors, to acquaint the minors or disabled people they
are accompanying with these rules and the need to
comply with the rules.
5.3 Any climber who experiences harm to his property
and/or other harm when climbing on the CW shall
immediately inform the Organiser about it, specifying the
place, time and circumstances of the incident. If the
Climber does not comply with this condition, any
complaint reported later will not be investigated.
5.4 If a Climber experiences harm to his property, and/or
other harm due to the fault of the Organiser, the
Organiser shall be liable under procedures established by
Republic of Lithuania legislation.
5.5 The Organiser shall not examine a Climber’s claims
concerning harm to his property and/or other harm and
shall not be liable if the Climber did not comply with the
requirements and/or recommendations specified in these
5.6 The Organiser does not provide a personal property
minding service; therefore, he shall not be responsible in
the event of climbers’ personal property being lost and/or